
Showing posts from November, 2014

i wanna be a good girl... all the way home (wolf children)

i saw a movie about ''were wolves ''.  this is a story narrated by hana's child . this entire story is about hana . hana was a student in national university at tokyo.the man she fell in love with was a wolf. one day he revealed his were wolf secret to hana. then also she was willing to marry him. they both were married.they both got two children called yuki and amea. then one day their father went for a hunt and drowned in water and died.then hana weeped a lot. all use to think that some animals are shouting from hana's house . but they were not animals exactly. they were wolves but humans . whenever they get angry they use to change into wolves. yuki was very active but amea was decent. every time he use to think about animals especially wolves. one day someone came from child welfare agency . they asked that your children were never vaccinated before. they told her we should check them. she got afraid that everybody will come to know that secret,th